Tuesday 24 June 2008

Glastonbury sun dance held in London

We've been keeping you up to date with Glastonbury festival weather forecasts every day this week (beginning June 23), but we thought we'd try and cast a bit of influence on the climate ourselves to help ensure a flood-free festival.

Yesterday (June 23) we invited members of the Council of British Druids to Hyde Park in London to perform a sacred call to the Sun God Lugh in a bid to draw out the sunshine for Glastonbury.

See video footage of the sun dance by clicking on the video below.

Archdruid King Arthur Pendragon led the ceremony with a plea for good weather throughout the weekend, and amused a few park-goers to boot.

Glastonbury organiser Emily Eavis was pleased with the efforts, saying, "We can promise this year's Glastonbury-goers the absolute time of their lives come rain or shine.

"However, I wouldn�t complain if, just for once, I was able to ditch the wellies. If the druids have helped us charm the sun into the sky over the festival weekend then they have my full backing!"